Next Stop, Norway!
Because of all the travel I did last year as well as the impending new addition to the family this year, I drastically cut down on my travel this year. There are only two conferences outside of Redmond I planned to speak at, one was Mix (see the links to videos of my talks) and the next one is the Norwegian Developer Conference also known as the NDC.
spoke at this conference last year and tells me it’s a good one.
Besides, it’s in Norway! I’ve travelled through Norway once during
college, taking a train from Oslo to Bergen, riding a boat on the
fjords, and enjoying the profound natural beauty of the country. I guess
I have a thing for cold places. :)
I’m pretty excited about the speaker line-up which includes a lot of great .NET and ALT.NET speakers you know and love. But what’s really got me perked up are the speakers outside of the typical .NET conference lineup.
One of my favorite conferences last year was Google IO which was a refreshing change of pace for me. For the NDC, I requested to stay an extra day so I could make sure to catch sessions by Mary Poppendieck, Robert “Uncle Bob” Martin, and Michael Feathers among others.
It looks like all my talks are on Day 1 of the conference. I’ll be upda’ting my Black Belt Ninja Tips ASP.NET MVC talk, talking about Ajax in the context of ASP.NET MVC, and giving a joint talk with Scott Hanselman which we’re still figuring out the exact details on.
My only concern is whether I need to worry if Jeremy Miller is going to try and express his man love for me while there. ;) Kidding aside, I’m approaching with a mind ready to absorb knowledge. If you’re in the area, definitely consider this as a conference to check out. It should be fun!
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