MySpace China Blogs Powered By Subtext
undisclosed source informed me that MySpace
China is using a modified version
of Subtext for
its blogging engine.
I had to check it out for myself to confirm it and it is true! Check out my first MySpace China blog post. How do I know for a fact that this is running on Subtext? I just viewed source and saw this little bit of javascript…
var subtextBlogInfo = new blogInfo('/', '/1304049400/');
So if anyone is wondering if Subtext can scale, it sure can. MySpace China gets around 100 million page views, approximately a million of which go to the blog.
My source tells me the MySpace China developers found some bugs with Subtext they had to fix that were only exposed when they put a huge load on it. Although they are under no requirements to do so under our license, I hope that they would contribute those fixes as patches back to Subtext.
So to all you Chinese users of Subtext (via MySpace China), 你好 to you.
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