Christmas For .NET Open Source Came Early This Year
Last year when all the hubbub surrounding NDoc was happening, I tried to rally people around the idea of a Contribute to Open Source day on July 26^th^.
Why July 26?
Because I happened to write that post on that day.
any case, it looks like Christmas will come early for some lucky open
source projects. Jeff Atwood of
fame is teaming up with Microsoft to donate $10,000 in support of
open source .NET
Go and nominate the open source project you find most useful in his comments.
What has spurred this recent largesse? Jeff is finally accepting a modest advertisement on his blog which will bring in enough revenue to help give back to the open source community. The hope is to help remedy the fact that…
open source projects are treated as second-class citizens in the Microsoft ecosystem
In the same manner that open source projects themselves are community led initiatives, it’s great to see other initiatives like this sprout from the community. While we may clamor for Microsoft to take a more active role in fostering OSS in the Microsoft ecosystem, we don’t have to wait around and do nothing in the meantime. We can take the lead like these other initiatives.
The good news is that Microsoft is showing itself to be supportive of such initiatives not only in spirit, but also financially.
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