Subtext Extensibility Notes
2.0 is progressing nicely. The plug-in architecture is pretty much
feature complete. The code is still undergoing code review, testing, and
tweaking, but it is possible to start building plug-ins for it right
away with the understanding that some details might change.
In order to provide a repository of plug-ins as well as documentation, we’ve setup a site, with all that information.
Simone has been busy documenting plug-ins:
Let us know if you have any improvements to the documentation.
Simon Philp has taken it upon himself to help provide more extensive documentation (thanks Simon!) on how to create a skin for Subtext with his article, Create your first Subtext skin Part 1.
While we have plans to improve the skin engine in the future, this documentation will be relevant for a good while. Simon plans to add a few more parts to cover all the nuances of building a nice skin.
The Next Release
I had hoped that 2.0 would be our next release, but several Subtext devs (not just myself) are experiencing interesting events in our personal lives that have slowed things down slightly.
Our plan now is to merge a few bug fixes into the 1.9 branch and release 1.9.6 in the near future. It will contain a couple of new features that have been in high demand, but mostly just bug fixes. I’ll talk more about that later. Steve Harman is in charge of putting this release together.
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