It's All About The Party Mode!
is so easy to get caught up in your day to day work and home duties and
forget to take a break to really cut loose. The answer, my friends, is
that big red button in the image to the left there. That there initiates
Party Mode! Set this sucker up in your office or home bedroom, and
whenever life catches up to you… Instant Party!
This here is the invention of some MIT students who pimped their dorm room with an instant rave setup. We are talking six video cameras, electric blinds, lights, laser, LED screens, music server, voice activation, blacklights, fog machine, etc etc…
Scroll down to see a couple videos they post of the setup in action. Now all they have to do to complete the club experience is charge $5 for a bottle of water and $12 for a crappily mixed drink in a plastic cup. Brilliant!
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