Back from Puerto Vallarta
In case you were wondering how such a loudmouth as myself could be so
quiet for four days and three nights, my wife and I were in Puerto
Vallarta enjoying a real vacation. By “real” I mean completely devoid of
work. I didn’t so much as walk into a cyber cafe (though I did peer real
hard inside).
Probably the closest thing to “work-related” I did was chat up a couple of school teachers on a boat getting their input into some software my company is building for labor unions.
We stayed at a wonderful bed and breakfast named Casa Amorita in the downtown area of PV, if you can call it a “downtown”. The picture on the top left is the view from the patio/pool. The B&B is built on a steep hill so there is a pretty nice view from everywhere.
It also has a nice rooftop honor bar as you can see me on the right,
attempting to draw upon my inner Tom Cruise in the movie Cocktail.
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Although PV is pretty heavily developed, it still retains some of its rustic charms. The streets in the downtown area are cobblestone and fun to explore. We endured one of those “We are not a time-share but we are still trying to sell you something you don’t need and can’t afford” sales presentations in order to get some free loot. We actually enjoyed the tour of the resort, got to spend time on their beach, and then took a nice boat over to Yelapa.
I put up a few photos on Flickr if you are interested.
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