Refactoring the Gregorian Calendar
In 1582, the Julian calendar was really starting to show its age. A bunch of brains got together and came up with the Gregorian calendar, which was received by the general population with a big middle finger in the air. Many saw it as an attempt by greedy landlords to cheat tenants out of a week of rent.
That’s when Pope Gregory XIII got involved and flexed his Papal muscle. He decreed that the day after October 4, 1582 would be October 15, 1582, thus inventing time travel. I personally have tried this move to gain early access to my retirement money without penalties, but to no avail.
The Gregorian calendar ended up shoved the Julain calendar aside and has been in place ever since. In truth, the Gregorian calendar is merely a modification of the Julian calendar in which years divisible by 100, but not divisible by 400 do not have leap years.
But enough history, after 423 years, Josh Baltzell has recognized that the Gregorian calendar is in need of an overhaul. He proposes refactoring the months so that each month is only 28 days. This would require adding an extra month. Personally, I am in favor of any proposal that will add another picture to my Code Listings of the Month centerfold calendar.
Check out his proposal and let him know what you think.
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