It Never Rains in Southern California...Except Today
UPDATE: Looks like I was sleeping during my class on 70s funk. It was Albert Hammond who wrote It Never Rains In Southern California, not Kool and the Gang. Thanks Jeff.
It’s really a
funny site to see how Angelenos freak
out when it rains
Contrary to the axioms of Kool and the GangAlbert Hammond, it does
rain here in Southern California. Of course it is so infrequent that
people talk of the last time it rained as if describing the fish that
got away.
Why, the last rain made the Noah episode look like spit in the desert.
In any case, the sound of rain on the rooftop and thunder in the distance makes it very hard to get out of bed for me. But out of bed I am as I have plenty of work to do.
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