Colin sent me an email pointing me to an add-in he wrote for VS.NET that allows you to copy selected source code to the clipboard as syntax highlighted HTML.

By selecting some code and right clicking the code editor, you’ll see an option to Copy Source as HTML.

Selecting that menu item brings up a dialogue where you can configure some options. It’s based on my favorite code to HTML formatter by Manoli.

Below is an example of a code snippet using this tool:

/// Sets the stack trace for the given lock target 
/// if an error occurred.
/// </SUMMARY>
/// <PARAM name="lockTarget">Lock target.</PARAM>
public static void ReportStackTrace(object lockTarget)
        ManualResetEvent waitHandle = 
                 as ManualResetEvent;
        if(waitHandle != null)
        _failedLockTargets[lockTarget] = new StackTrace();
        //TODO: Now's a good time to use your
        //favorite logging framework.

Colin, thanks for pointing me to this. This is freakin’ awesome!

Now, if I could have a short-cut that would use the default options and immediately put the selected source in the clip-board, that would just rock my world. Also, one minor niggle I’ve had with the Manoli formatter is that the xml comments tags and the triplle slashes (such as /// ) should be gray to mimic VS.NET instead of all green. How hard would it be to fix that?