Weekend Update - Go Lakers!
During our internet access drought after
moving into our new place, I would check my wife’s email for her at
work. Since I had access to her account, I thought I would add my RSS
feed to her “My Yahoo” page so that my headlines appear. She thought it
was neat, but then complained that my content is pure geek.
Therefore, this entry is authoritatively non-geek. I wont mention the fun I had this weekend generating a class from an XML schema using XSD.exe. Nor will I mention the fun I had playing around with XML Serialization in .NET.
Rather, I will mention that I did play soccer on Saturday while my lovely wife was off to class. We played for two and a half hours and I could barely walk afterwards. It was a nice game in which I scored none, but hit the post three times. That evening, we had an esteemed overnight guest, Maria Estella (whom we call Maria of the Stars despite the fact that estrella is star, not estella. But I digress). My wife cooked up a delicious grilled chicken salad. We rented “The Haunted Mansion” (for lack of better options) and had a good time drinking Boba at Lollicup. My favorite flavor is Sesame Boba. You really must try it.
On Sunday I settled down to watch the Lakers play. It’s amazing how fit and energetic Karl Malone is at 40. I have a newfound respect for this guy. Afterwards I worked on RSS Bandit a bit and watched Alias with my wife. We finally figured out the problem with the HD set-top box so we finally are receiving High Definition television. It’s great!
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