Geeking out to the 3rd edition Player's Handbook.
DISCLAIMER: When I say Player’s
handbook, I’m not talking about a “Playa’s Handbook”. The book I am
referencing is absolutely the WRONG thing to read if you want to pick up
chicks. I’m already married, so I can bring this stuff out.
So after a long three day weekend of moving, I decided that I needed to geek out to the Dungeons and Dragons Player’s Handbook 3rd edition that I borrowed from Micah. I played the second edition rules when I was a kid and have a lot of nostalgia associated with the game. I thought it would be fun to take a look at the new rules.
So far, the theme appears to be simplification. I like the fact that they’ve simplified the experience point table. Now, instead of each class having a separate table for advancement, everyone uses the same table. Multiclassing is simplified as well. I always thought that certain rules were overly complex. On one hand, that is fun in the “ooh, I like secrets” sort of way. But on the other hand, it led to too many “what fucking die do I roll!?” moments.
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