Weekend Update
I don’t know if you caught Saturday Night
Live this weekend, but the Donald was hosting. He was a bombastic, self
aggrandizing, braggart in true Trump fashion. For some reason, it just
works for him.
This was one of the funnier episodes of SNL. I especially loved the skit where Trump plays a janitor and Darryl Hammond plays Trump. The janitor walks into Trump’s office and starts bagging on the hair, the decor, everything. Classic.
Also attended a baby shower for my good friends
the Perezes. Seems like everyone from my college is churning out the
babies. There were two babies at the shower, and three more in the oven.
As an activity, we did artwork on onesies. I wrote “Player” on mine.
Went out to celebrate a friend’s birthday at La Luna Negra. It’s a spanish tapas restaurant in Old Town Pasadena. There were a couple of intense middle aged looking Flamenco dancers. They looked ready to attack and devour each other at any moment as they danced, but not in a sexy sort of way.
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