Geek Shopping
If you haven’t tried it yet, you should
really give Froogle a look. I’m currently looking
to buy an LCD monitor and I checked the usual suspects,
Pcworld and
Tomshardware for reviews,
Pricegrabber for prices, but due to lack
of inertia, I never thought to try Froogle.
Searching Froogle, I found a Dell Ultrasharp 17” (highest rated by PCWorld) for $399.00 with free shipping. At that price, I think I’ll get two. I was intending to get a 19”, but since 17” give you the same resolution as a 19” and are much cheaper, I think two 17” beat one 19” in terms of value and productivity.
I’m also in the market for an ergonomic chair, but that could take a lot of research.
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