Burning Man
I can almost smell the smoky embers. Burning
Man tickets have already gone on sale. I tried to buy them in the mad
rush when they first came online at a discounted price to no avail.
Their servers basically decided to go on a vacation with the overload of
requests. I had a vision of one of them Japanese subway cars where they
have to shove people inside.
This year, I’ll be sure to bring my wife’s iBook (if she’ll let me) to take advantage of the WIFI connection. Yes, they have a WIFI network in the middle of freaking nowhere out on the playa. Very cool.
Hopefully I can convince some of the crew I went with last time to join me this year. Now that I’m buying a place and entering the realms of responsible adult life, this may be the last time for me to go (at least for the next couple decades). I’m looking to have a blast.
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