Well Jon and I arrived safely, driving into Vegas around 4 PM last evening. Upon arriving, we met up with Miguel De Icaza, the founder of the Mono project, and headed over to the Mashup Lounge where we ran into John Osborne, a senior editor with O’ Reilly.

Being the small world that it is, John was a reviewer for the Windows Developer Power Tools book and happened to review the section I wrote on Tortoise CVS/SVN.

We were joined by Eric Kemp, one of the members of the Subsonic team and fun conversation on Open Source, Mono, Politics, etc… ensued.

Later on in the evening we headed over the BlogZone, a suite in the Venetian towers with a couple of X-Boxes, food, and drinks. We were later joined by Jeff Atwood, Scott Hanselman, Clemens Vasters, Steve Maine and a deadly game of Guitar Hero ensued.

Keynote is about to start, will write more later.