I was recently approached by some people I know purely through blogging and IM conversations to write on a topic for a book they are putting together. Of course I was honored and appreciative that they thought of me, even after finding out there would be no payment for the work. Doh!

In any case, I am taking their lead by not discussing what the book is about, except to say that I am writing about tools that I use all the time. In attempting to cover these tools in sufficient detail, I realized how little I really knew about them. These are software utilities that I use every day, but as is the case with many tools, I wasn’t using them to their full capacity. I had quickly learned just what I needed to know to get stuff done and stopped there. How lazy and counterproductive of me!

Of course as developers, we all need to find that balance between spending the time to RTFM and just plowing along and getting to work. Back in the day, we called this the Commodore Shuffle (though I am sure there are many names for this phenomena). This is the technique of figuring out how to use a piece of software by playing around with it and clicking on everything that moves. Unfortunately, this often will only cover the surface of what a piece of software can do.

I think I will try skimming the manual more often now.