My wife can be a real bookworm at times. She took Twiggy to the local Starbucks in the downtown area of Culver City to have a drink and read her Spanish book outside in the beautiful weather. As she studied, she could overhear two guys behind her loudly engaged in annoying guy talk about some hot coworker of theirs and how some other guy got to her first.

Twiggy walks over to the guys and one of them asks if she’s a whippet. Quickly glancing over, she answers , “No, she’s an Italian Greyhound” and returns to her book. The other guy continues to pet Twiggy and remarks, “Wow, she’s beautiful.”

After a bit, the two fellas leave, giving Akumi some peace and quiet, but not before she overheard two other guys sitting together remark to each other, “Hey, that was Ashton Kutcher.” So in her annoyance at being disturbed, my wife didn’t notice Ashton petting Twiggy.

After hearing the story, I joked with my wife that we missed our opportunity to get Twiggy a job in the movies. We always quip that we want her to start earning her keep, since the rest of the family works.

So Ashton, if you happen to find this blog during a vanity Google search, Twiggy is available for your next movie and/or television show. Just have your people call hers and we can supply face shots.