Jaw Fragment From the title of his post, Dream Hangovers, I thought Robb was going to tell some story about another night of too much drinking and the painful consequences afterwards. Instead he talks about how realistic dreams can often influence your mood the following day.

A few nights ago I had a dream in which I kept biting down on something hard. I spat the foreign object into my hand and was surprised to find a molar. For some reason, losing my teeth is a typical nightmare for me when I’m anxious. However this time, it was much more intense than before.

After spitting out a few teeth, I noticed I was biting on something much larger that felt like a rock or a piece of plaster. I spit it out and it my hand was a gleaming pale chunk of my jaw. Another chunk came out and I rushed to the bathroom to look in the mirror. When I opened my mouth, my entire lower jaw caved in and blood started filled up my mouth and pouring into the sink along with white pieces of my jaw. It reminded me of a river full of floating icebergs. That’s when I woke up in a cold sweat breathing very hard, furtively checking all my teeth with my tongue.

After a few moments of abject terror, I calmed down and thanked my lucky stars that all my teeth were there.