Ok, I am looking for some blogging fresh meat, so I thought I’d try my hand at starting a meme. The criteria is purposely vague and very simple. I want you to list ten blogs you’ve really enjoyed reading recently. Especially the underrated, undiscovered, recent finds. They don’t have to be your favorite blogs of all time, just ones that have caught your notice recently.

Here are the official rules…

  • The Blog must have an rss (or ATOM) feed.

Ok, that’s it. Here’s my list in no particular order…

  • Coding Horror
    Jeff Atwood does a great job of telling it like it is. He provides pragmatic insight into software development.
  • Apophenia
    Found danah boyd’s blog via Dare. She provides interesting insight into social networking softaware.
  • BurningBird
    Shelley’s always been a good read, but the pictures of balloons has pushed her way up my list.
  • .NET Undocumented
    I read Wesner Moise because he digs deep into .NET so I don’t have to.
  • ComputerZen
    For you .NET geeks out there, this isn’t really a find as his blog is quite widely read, and for good reason. He’s in this list as a sort of blogtime achievement award for continually putting out good content.
  • JonGalloway.ToString()
    Take my blog, remove most of the crap, and you have Jon Galloway’s blog. Yes, this makes my list despite the code title.
  • Sharp as a Marble
    Robb’s humor is sharp and biting. He can insult twenty generations of your family and have you laughing about it.
  • Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life
    Look up the term Job Security in wikipedia and I wouldn’t be surprised if you found a picture of Dare. Only someone who knows he can get a job anywhere can say what he says about his employer and keep working. Fortunately someone over there recognizes he’s part of the solution, not the problem.
  • Neopoleon.com
    Need I say more? Only Rory can talk about suicidal thoughts and have you laughing about it. Don’t you feel like a schmuck now?
  • IanG on Tap
    Nobody is always right, except maybe for Ian. For a real in-depth insight into C# or IO Completion ports, Ian is the go to guy. This guy knows too much, I fear someone will take him out it.