I’m currently doing some app building with ASP.NET MVC in which I try to cover a bunch of different scenarios. One scenario in particular I wanted to cover is approaching an application using a Test Driven Development approach. I especially wanted to cover using various Dependency Injection frameworks, to make sure everything plays nice.

Since I’ve already seen demos with Castle Windsor and Spring.NET, I wanted to give StructureMap a try. Here is the problem I’ve run into.

Say I have a class like so:

public class MyController : IController
  MembershipProvider membership;
  public HomeController(MembershipProvider provider)
    this.membership = provider;

As you can see, this class has a dependency on the abstract MembershipProvider class, which is passed to this class via a constructor argument. In my unit tests, I can use RhinoMocks to dynamically create a mock that inherits MembershipProvider provider and pass that mock to this controller class. It’s nice for testing.

But eventually, I need to use this class in a real app and I would like a DI framework container to create the controller for me. Here is my StructureMap.config file with some details left out.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <PluginFamily Type="IController" DefaultKey="HomeController"
    <Plugin Type="HomeController" ConcreteKey="HomeController"
        Assembly="MvcApplication" />

If I add an empty constructor to HomeController, this code allows me to create an instance of HomeController like so.

HomeController c = 
  as HomeController;

But when I remove the empty constructor, StructureMap cannot create an instance of HomeController. I would need to tell StructureMap (via StructureMap.config) how to construct an instance of MembershipProvider to pass into the constructor for HomeController

Normally, I would just specify a type to instantiate as another PluginFamily entry. But what I really want to happen in this case is for StructureMap to call a method or delegate and use the value returned as the constructor argument.

In other words, I pretty much want something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <PluginFamily Type="IController" DefaultKey="HomeController"
    <Plugin Type="HomeController" ConcreteKey="HomeController"
        <Property Name="provider">
            return Membership.Provider;

The made up syntax I am using here is stating that when StructureMap is creating an instance of HomeController, execute the code in the CDATA section to get the instance to pass in as the constructor argument named provider.

Does anyone know if something like this is possible with any of the Dependency Injection frameworks out there?Whether via code or configuration?