My Very Own Search Engine
Google just launched a
neat build-your-own-search-engine
feature. You can choose sites that should be emphasized in the search
results, or even restrict search results to that list.
It offers a lot of customization, but I seemed to have run into a problem in which it doesn’t seem to be saving the images for my profile for some reason.
One particularly neat feature is the ability to allow others to collaborate on the search engine. For example, check out my search engine called Haack Attack the Web. I entered a few .NET and software development focused websites to the list of sites to search, restricting results to just those sites.
Feel free to add your favorite websites to the search engine. I think I’ll actually find this as a useful first stop for finding .NET content.
The next step is to integrate this into the search features for Firefox and IE7. Anyone want to help?
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