Lightweight Invisible CAPTCHA Validator Control
UPDATE: This code is now hosted in the Subkismet project on CodePlex.
Not too long ago I wrote about using
to fight comment spam. A little later I pointed to the NoBot
as an independent implementation of the ideas I mentioned using Atlas.
I think that control is a great start, but it does suffer from a few minor issues that prevent me from using it immediately.
- It requires Atlas and Atlas is pretty heavyweight.
- Atlas is pre-release right now.
- We’re waiting on a bug fix in Atlas to be implemented.
- It is not accessible as it doesn’t work if javascript is enabled.
Let me elaborate on the first point. In order to get the NoBot control working, a developer needs to add a reference to two separate assemblies, Atlas and the Atlas Control Toolkit, as well as make a few changes to Web.config. Some developers will simply want a control they can simply drop in their project and start using right away.
I wanted a control that meets the following requirements.
- Easy to use. Only one assembly to reference.
- Is invisible.
- Works when javascript is disabled.
The result is the InvisibleCaptcha
control which is a validation
control (inherits from BaseValidator)
so it can be used just like any
other validator, only this validator is invisible and should not have
the ControlToValidate
property set. The way it works is that it
renders some javascript to perform a really simple calculation and write
the answer into a hidden text field using javascript.
What! Javascript? What about accessibility!? Calm down now, I’ll get to that.
When the user submits the form, we take the submitted value from the hidden form field, combine it with a secret salt value, and then hash the whole thing together. We then compare this value with the hash of the expected answer, which is stored in a hidden form field base64 encoded.
The whole idea is that most comment bots currently don’t have the ability to evaluate javascript and thus will not be able to submit the form correctly. Users with javascript enabled browsers have nothing to worry about.
So what happens if javascript is disabled?
If javascript is disabled, then we render out the question as text alongside a visible text field, thus giving users reading your site via non-javascript browsers (think Lynx or those text-to-speech browsers for the blind) a chance to comment.
This should be sufficient to block a lot of comment spam.
Quick Aside: As Atwood tells me, the idea that CAPTCHA has to be really strong is a big fallacy. His blog simply asks you to type in orange every time and it blocks 99.9% of his comment spam.
I agree with Jeff on this point when it comes to websites and blogs with small audiences. Websites and blogs tend to implement different CAPTCHA systems from one to another and beating each one brings diminishing margins of returns.
However, for a site with a huge audience like Yahoo! or Hotmail, I think strong CAPTCHA is absolutely necessary as it is a central place for spammers to target. (By the way, remind me to write a bot to post comment spam on Jeff’s blog)
If you do not care for accessibility, you can turn off the rendered form
so that only javascript enabled browsers can post comments by setting
the Accessible
property to false.
I developed this control as part of the Subtext.Web.Control.dll
assembly which is part of the Subtext
project, thus you can grab this assembly
from our Subversion repository.
To make things easier, I am also providing a link to a zip file that contains the assembly as well as the source code for the control. You can choose to either reference the assembly in order to get started right away, or choose to add the source code file and the javascript file (make sure to mark it as an embedded resource) to your own project.
Please not that if you add this control to your own assembly, you will
need to add the following assembly level WebResource
attribute in
order to get the web resource
[assembly: WebResource("YourNameSpace.InvisibleCaptcha.js",
You will also need to find the call to
inside InvisibleCaptcha.cs and
change it to match the namespace specified in the WebResource
If you look at the code, you’ll notice I make use of several hidden
input fields. I didn’t use ViewState
for values the control absolutely
needs to work because Subtext disables ViewState. Likewise, I could
have chosen to use ControlState
, but that can also be disabled. I
took the most defensive route.
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