You kind of get the feeling that Keith Brown has a beef with soap exceptions when he writes that SoapException Sucks. I won’t rehash everything he says here, but the gist of his complaint is that when throwing an exception from within a web service, the exception gets wrapped by a SoapException. What’s so bad about that? As Keith relates, the Message property of the SoapException class intersperses your fault string with a load of other crap you really don’t care about. Also, the InnerException doesn’t get serialized into the SOAP fault packet, so it is always null on the client side.

A couple solutions proposed within his comments require putting a try/catch around the body of every method and construct a suitable SoapException by hand. This just didn’t sit well with me (neither did the burrito I just ate) as it seemed quite repetitive. I figured there had to be a better way. If only there were some way to inject code after a SOAP method is called and before the XML payload is delivered to the client. Fortunately there is. SOAP Extensions!

The solution I hacked together here is to build a custom SoapExtensionAttribute used to mark up a method. If that method throws an exception, the original exception information is serialized into the detail element of the soap exception.

The key here is to remember that SOAP is at its core simply XML text messages being sent back and forth between computers. A SoapExtension lets you peek under the hood and manipulate the actual messages going in and out.

There are three classes involved in this solution, SerializedExceptionExtensionAttribute, SerializedExceptionExtension and SoapOriginalException. I’ll briefly go over each one.

SerializedExceptionExtensionAttribute is a very simple Attribute class that inherits from SoapExtensionAttribute. When applied to a target, this attribute has a property that indicates what type of SoapExtension to use for that target.

SerializedExceptionExtension inherits from SoapExtension and for the most part looks like your typical MSDN example of a soap extension in which you override ChainStream, store the old stream in a member variable, and replace it with a new stream. For the sake of illustration, I will highlight a few methods that make this extension somewhat interesting (at least for me)…

public override void ProcessMessage(SoapMessage message)
    if(message.Stage == SoapMessageStage.AfterSerialize)
        _newStream.Position = 0;
        if(message.Exception != null && message.Exception.InnerException != null)
            CopyStream(_newStream, _oldStream);   
    else if(message.Stage == SoapMessageStage.BeforeDeserialize)
        CopyStream(_oldStream, _newStream);
        _newStream.Position = 0;

void InsertDetailIntoOldStream(Exception exception)
    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
    XmlNode detailNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//detail");

        detailNode.InnerXml = GetXmlExceptionInformation(exception);
    catch(Exception exc)
        detailNode.InnerXml = exc.Message;

    XmlWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(_oldStream, Encoding.UTF8);

In the method ProcessMessage, you can see that the code waits till after the method has been serialized to XML (represented by SoapMessageStage.AfterSerialize) and is ready to be sent back to the client. That’s where the exception detail is injected into the stream, assuming an exception did occur.

InsertDetailIntoOldStream finds the detail node within the serialized stream and inserts exception information into that node. In order to make this information useful to both non .NET clients and .NET clients, the exception information is formatted as XML. However, in one of the nodes of that XML, I serialize the exception using a BinaryFormatter. That way, a .NET client can gain access to the full original exception.

string GetXmlExceptionInformation(Exception exception)
    string format = "<Message>{0}</Message>"
        + "<Type>{1}</Type>"
        + "<StackTrace>{2}</StackTrace>"
        + "<Serialized>{3}</Serialized>";
    return string.Format(

string SerializeException(Exception exception)
    MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
    IFormatter formatter = new  BinaryFormatter();
    formatter.Serialize(stream, exception);
    stream.Position = 0;
    return Convert.ToBase64String(stream.ToArray());

Security Note!, for a production system, you probably don’t want to serialize the original exception as it will contain a stack trace and could give out more information than you wish clients to the service to have. For debugging, however, this is quite useful.

Allow me to walk through how you can apply these classes in your own code. Below, I’ve written a method that simply throws an exception. You can see that I marked it with the SerializedExceptionExtension attribute.

[WebMethod, SerializedExceptionExtension]
public string ThrowNormalException()
    throw new ArgumentNullException("MyParameter", "Exception thrown for testing purposes");

Now on the client, I simply make a call to the web service within a try/catch clause. In the snippet below, you’ll notice that I wrap the thrown exception with the SoapOriginalException class. That class is a helpful wrapper that knows how to deserialize an exception serialized using this technique. The original exception is accessed via the InnerException property.

void CallService()
    TestService proxy = new TestService();
    catch(SoapException e)
        SoapOriginalException realException = new SoapOriginalException(e);

If you’d like to try this technique out yourself and provide a critique, download the source files here. There are certainly some enhancements that could be made to the code to make it even more useful. Let me know if you make improvements.